Get the current ISS location

In this quick guide we will explore how to get the current ISS location.


import json
import urllib.request
from keys import positionstack_api_key

Setting the Endpoints

Specifying the Endpoints as a constants to access the API


Getting the Current Latitude and Longitude of the ISS

To get the current position we need to make an API call to the endpoint.

req = urllib.request.Request(ISS_ENDPOINT)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)

The response is in a .json format and looks like this:

  "timestamp": 1624169097,
  "iss_position": {
    "latitude": "28.2089",
    "longitude": "-7.2213"
  "message": "success"

Read the .json and set variables for Latitude and Longitude.

obj = json.loads(
pos_long = obj["iss_position"]["longitude"]
pos_lat = obj["iss_position"]["latitude"]

Calling positionstack to convert lon/lat into a location

To turn the Coordinates into an actual location, we are calling the positionstack api and pass in the current Latitude and Longitude as arguments.

req_pos = urllib.request.Request(f"{POS_ENDPOINT}/reverse?access_key={positionstack_api_key}&query={pos_lat},{pos_long}")
response_pos = urllib.request.urlopen(req_pos)

The response comes as .json again and looks something like this:

   "data": {
      "results": [
            "latitude": 38.897675,
            "longitude": -77.036547,
            "label": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, USA",
            "name": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
            "type": "address",
            "number": "1600",
            "street": "Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
            "postal_code": "20500",
            "confidence": 1,
            "region": "District of Columbia",
            "region_code": "DC",
            "administrative_area": null,
            "neighbourhood": "White House Grounds",
            "country": "United States",
            "country_code": "US",
            "map_url": ",-77.036547"

Reading the .json and accessing the location

obj_pos = json.loads(
location = obj_pos['data'][0]['label']