Spiegel Online Sentiment 06/21


Spiegel Online published 3.590 articles in June 2021. An important event during that time was the soccer EM 2021, which started on June 11 and had a few interesting impacts on the articles.

Articles per Category

First we will take a look at the overall amount of articles published per category. As expected there’s a significant increase in articles for the Sport category.
Panorama is again the category with the most articles. Overall this month was dominated by Panorama, Sport, Ausland, Politik and Wirtschaft.


The graphic below shows how many Sport articles came out each day in June. We see a strong correlation between the start of the soccer EM on June 11th and the increase of articles per day.


Germany won the first two matches, which caused an increase in articles on the next day. The match on June 23 against Hungary ended with a draw and there’s a drop in articles on the next day.
June 29 is the day with the most articles published during the whole month. The match against England ended with a lose and the article count on the next day drops by almost 50%

Sentiment per Category


This month Ausland is the only category with mostly negative articles. Again Sport is by far the most positive category, although not as strong as last month where it had a score of over 100, compared to this month with barely 50.


Tests is again very positive, as well as Dein Spiegel. But the crown for the most positive category goes to Backstage, a new category where the Spiegel Online Service Audio+ is advertised.
Backstage has a mean sentiment score of 0.71, beating the old Highscore from last months Tests which was 0.47.